Saturday, March 10, 2007

questions to write by

Lately I find myself repeating these questions like a creed, like a mantra. I look like a crazy person in the subway, or an actor on his way to an audition, which pretty much amounts to the same thing. Of course, the most important is the last one, and the hardest to answer.

who's the protagonist (whose story is it)?
what does he/she want?
what's keeping them from getting it?
who's your antagonist/antagonistic force?
what's their motivation in engaging the protagonist and vice versa?
what's at stake?
why now (why does the story start/end when it does)?
is it clear without ceasing to be concise?

1 comment:

davilita said...

Para mí es: Who am I? What am I doing here? Did I take my meds?